Why do I get “Unsupported Operand Type for *: Function and Int”?
Image by Reya - hkhazo.biz.id

Why do I get “Unsupported Operand Type for *: Function and Int”?

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Are you tired of getting that pesky “Unsupported Operand Type for *: Function and Int” error in Python? You’re not alone! This error message can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to get your code to work. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Python operators and explore why this error occurs, and most importantly, how to fix it!

What is the “Unsupported Operand Type” Error?

The “Unsupported Operand Type” error occurs when Python encounters an operation that it doesn’t know how to perform. This happens when you try to use an operator (like `*`, `/`, `+`, etc.) with two operands that are of incompatible types. In this case, the error is specifically complaining about trying to multiply a function and an integer.

def my_function():

result = my_function() * 5

In the above code, `my_function` is a function, and `5` is an integer. When we try to multiply them together using the `*` operator, Python throws the “Unsupported Operand Type for *: Function and Int” error.

Why Does This Error Occur?

There are several reasons why this error might occur:

  • Incorrect Operator Usage: You’re trying to use an operator with the wrong types. For example, trying to multiply a function and an integer, as shown above.
  • Function Return Type: The function you’re calling returns a value that can’t be used with the operator. For example, if the function returns a string, you can’t multiply it with an integer.
  • Operator Overloading: You’ve overloaded an operator (like `*`) to work with custom classes, but the implementation is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Typo or Syntax Error: There’s a typo or syntax error in your code that’s causing Python to interpret the operation incorrectly.

How to Fix the “Unsupported Operand Type” Error

Now that we’ve explored the reasons behind this error, let’s dive into the solutions!

Solution 1: Check Your Operator Usage

Make sure you’re using the correct operator with the correct types. If you’re trying to perform an operation that doesn’t make sense, Python will throw the “Unsupported Operand Type” error. For example:

def my_function():
    return 5

result = my_function() * 5  # Correct usage

In this example, `my_function` returns an integer, which can be multiplied by another integer using the `*` operator.

Solution 2: Check Your Function Return Type

Verify that your function returns a value that can be used with the operator. If your function returns a value that can’t be used with the operator, you’ll get the “Unsupported Operand Type” error. For example:

def my_function():
    return "Hello, World!"

result = my_function() * 5  # Incorrect usage

In this example, `my_function` returns a string, which can’t be multiplied by an integer using the `*` operator.

Solution 3: Check Your Operator Overloading

If you’ve overloaded an operator (like `*`) to work with custom classes, make sure the implementation is correct and complete. For example:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return MyClass(self.value * other)

obj = MyClass(5)
result = obj * 5  # Correct usage

In this example, we’ve overloaded the `*` operator to work with instances of `MyClass`. The implementation is correct, so Python knows how to perform the multiplication.

Solution 4: Check for Typos or Syntax Errors

A simple typo or syntax error can cause the “Unsupported Operand Type” error. Make sure to check your code for any mistakes. For example:

def my_function()
    return 5

result = my_function * 5  # Incorrect usage (missing parentheses)

In this example, the missing parentheses after `my_function` cause Python to interpret the code incorrectly, leading to the “Unsupported Operand Type” error.

Best Practices to Avoid the “Unsupported Operand Type” Error

By following these best practices, you can avoid the “Unsupported Operand Type” error:

  1. Use Type Hints: Use type hints to specify the types of variables and function return types. This helps Python understand the types of operands and prevents errors.
  2. Test Your Code: Thoroughly test your code with different input types to ensure it works correctly.
  3. Read the Error Message Carefully: When you encounter an error, read the error message carefully to understand what’s going wrong.
  4. Use Debugging Tools: Use debugging tools like `pdb` or `print` statements to inspect the values of variables and understand the flow of your code.
Operator Supported Types Example
* int, float, complex 5 * 2
/ int, float, complex 10 / 2
+ int, float, complex, str, list, tuple "Hello, " + "World!"
int, float, complex 5 - 2

By following these best practices and understanding the reasons behind the “Unsupported Operand Type” error, you’ll be well on your way to writing bug-free Python code!


The “Unsupported Operand Type for *: Function and Int” error can be frustrating, but by understanding the reasons behind it and following the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to fix it easily. Remember to check your operator usage, function return types, operator overloading, and watch out for typos or syntax errors. By following best practices and testing your code thoroughly, you’ll avoid this error and write more robust Python code.

So, the next time you encounter the “Unsupported Operand Type” error, don’t panic! Take a deep breath, follow the instructions in this article, and you’ll be back to coding in no time!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with that pesky error message? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about “Why do I get unsupported operand type for *: function and int” that might just save your coding day!

Why do I get “unsupported operand type for *: ‘function’ and ‘int'” when trying to multiply a function and an integer?

This error occurs because you’re trying to perform an operation on a function and an integer, which are incompatible types. In Python, functions are objects and can’t be multiplied by integers. You need to call the function and then multiply the result by the integer. For example, `result = my_function() * 5` instead of `result = my_function * 5`.

Can I fix this error by converting the function to an integer?

Nope! You can’t convert a function to an integer because a function is not a numeric value. Even if you could, it wouldn’t make sense to multiply a function by an integer. Functions perform actions, they don’t hold values. Instead, focus on calling the function and working with its return value.

What if I’m trying to multiply a variable that holds a function by an integer?

That’s a different story! If you have a variable that holds a function, you need to call the function and then multiply the result by the integer. For example, `result = my_variable() * 5`. Make sure to include the parentheses to call the function and get its return value.

Can I use the `*` operator to repeat a function call?

No, you can’t use the `*` operator to repeat a function call. The `*` operator is for multiplication, not function repetition. If you need to repeat a function call, use a loop or recursion.

How can I avoid this error in the future?

To avoid this error, make sure to: 1) Understand the data types of your variables, 2) Call functions using parentheses, and 3) Use operators correctly. If you’re unsure, try breaking down your code into smaller parts and checking the types of your variables using the `type()` function.