Power Automate Escapes All Characters in My Array: A Guide to Fixing the Unusable Email Attachment Issue
Image by Reya - hkhazo.biz.id

Power Automate Escapes All Characters in My Array: A Guide to Fixing the Unusable Email Attachment Issue

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Are you frustrated with Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow) escaping all characters in your array, making it impossible to use as an email attachment? You’re not alone! This article will walk you through the steps to resolve this issue and get your array working smoothly as an email attachment.

What’s Causing the Issue?

When Power Automate escapes all characters in your array, it’s usually because of the way it handles arrays as strings. By default, Power Automate treats arrays as strings and escapes all characters to ensure they’re properly formatted. While this might be useful in some scenarios, it’s not ideal when you need to use the array as an email attachment.

Understanding the Problem

Let’s say you have an array of file names or binary data that you want to attach to an email. When you try to use this array as an attachment, Power Automate escapes all characters, making the array unusable. Here’s an example:


After Power Automate processes the array, it becomes:


As you can see, the backslashes (`\`) are added to escape the characters, making the array unrecognizable to email clients. This is where the problem lies.

Solutions to Fix the Issue

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are a few solutions to help you fix the issue and use your array as an email attachment:

Solution 1: Using the `json()` Function

The first solution is to use the `json()` function in Power Automate. This function will convert your array into a JSON string, which can be used as an email attachment. Here’s how:


This will output a JSON string that looks like this:


Now, you can use this JSON string as an email attachment.

Solution 2: Using the `base64()` Function

If you’re working with binary data, you might want to use the `base64()` function to encode your array. This will convert your binary data into a base64-encoded string that can be used as an email attachment. Here’s how:


This will output a base64-encoded string that looks like this:

iVBORw0KGg... (base64-encoded string)

Now, you can use this base64-encoded string as an email attachment.

Solution 3: Using a Loop to Create an Array of Attachments

If you’re working with a large array or complex data, you might want to use a loop to create an array of attachments. This approach is more flexible and allows you to process each attachment individually. Here’s how:

  "attachments": [
      "name": "file1.txt",
      "content": "file1 content"
      "name": "file2.pdf",
      "content": "file2 content"
      "name": "image.jpg",
      "content": "image content"

In this example, we’re creating an array of objects, where each object represents an attachment. We can then use a loop to process each attachment and create an email attachment:

  "Name": @{item().name},
  "Content": @{item().content}

Now, you can use the resulting array of attachments as an email attachment.


Power Automate escaping all characters in your array can be frustrating, but it’s not a blocker. By using the `json()` function, `base64()` function, or a loop to create an array of attachments, you can fix the issue and use your array as an email attachment. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your use case, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different approaches.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with arrays and email attachments in Power Automate:

  • Make sure to adjust the content type of your email attachment according to the type of data you’re sending. For example, if you’re sending a PDF file, set the content type to `application/pdf`.

  • Use the `@attachment` token to specify the attachment name and content in your email body.

  • Test your email attachment flows thoroughly to ensure they’re working as expected.

  • Consider using a separate array for each email attachment type to make your flows more organized and easier to maintain.

Solution Description
Using the `json()` Function Converts the array into a JSON string that can be used as an email attachment.
Using the `base64()` Function Encodes the binary data into a base64-encoded string that can be used as an email attachment.
Using a Loop to Create an Array of Attachments Creates an array of objects, where each object represents an attachment, and processes each attachment individually.

By following these solutions and tips, you’ll be able to fix the issue of Power Automate escaping all characters in your array and use your array as an email attachment successfully.

Final Thoughts

Power Automate is a powerful tool that can help you automate complex workflows and tasks. However, it’s not perfect, and sometimes you need to get creative to overcome its limitations. By using the solutions and tips provided in this article, you’ll be able to overcome the issue of Power Automate escaping all characters in your array and use your array as an email attachment successfully.

Remember to keep experimenting, learning, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of automation and workflow management. Happy automating!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling with Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Power Automate) and its pesky habit of escaping all characters in your array, making it unusable as an email attachment, you’re not alone! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Why does Power Automate escape all characters in my array?

Power Automate escapes all characters in your array as a safety precaution to prevent potential security threats. This is a default behavior to prevent malicious code injection. However, this can be frustrating when you need to use the array as an email attachment.

Is there a way to prevent Power Automate from escaping characters in my array?

Yes, you can use the `encodeURI()` or `encodeURIComponent()` functions to encode your array before passing it as an email attachment. This will allow Power Automate to treat the array as a string, rather than an array, and prevent character escaping.

How do I use the encodeURI() function in Power Automate?

You can use the `encodeURI()` function by wrapping your array variable with it, like this: `encodeURI(json(yourArray))`. This will encode your array as a URI-encoded string, which can then be used as an email attachment.

Can I use the same approach for other data types, like strings?

Yes, you can use the `encodeURI()` or `encodeURIComponent()` functions for other data types, like strings, to prevent character escaping. However, be aware that these functions will encode special characters, so you may need to decode the string before using it as an email attachment.

Are there any other workarounds or alternative solutions?

Yes, you can use other workarounds, such as converting your array to a JSON string and then attaching it to the email, or using a base64 encoding scheme to encode your array. It’s essential to test and evaluate different approaches to find the one that works best for your specific use case.

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