Output Variable from Normal Azure Pipeline Job Not Expanding in Deployment Job? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Reya - hkhazo.biz.id

Output Variable from Normal Azure Pipeline Job Not Expanding in Deployment Job? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you facing an issue where the output variable from a normal Azure pipeline job is not expanding in a deployment job? You’re not alone! Many Azure pipeline users have encountered this problem, and it can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to automate your deployment process. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What’s the Problem?

The problem arises when you try to use an output variable from a normal Azure pipeline job in a deployment job. The output variable is not expanding, and instead, it’s being treated as a literal string. This means that the deployment job is not receiving the expected value, and your deployment process is failing.

Why Is This Happening?

The reason behind this issue is due to the way Azure pipeline handles variables. When you define an output variable in a normal Azure pipeline job, it’s not automatically available in the deployment job. This is because the deployment job runs in a separate context, and it doesn’t have access to the variables defined in the normal job.

The Solution

So, how do you fix this issue? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think! Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Step 1: Define an Output Variable in the Normal Job

    In your normal Azure pipeline job, define an output variable using the ##vso[task.setvariable] syntax. For example:

    ##vso[task.setvariable variable=outVar;issecret=false]myOutputValue

    This sets the output variable outVar to the value myOutputValue.

  2. Step 2: Use the Output Variable in the Deployment Job

    In your deployment job, you need to use the output variable in a way that Azure pipeline understands. You can do this by using the $( outVar ) syntax. For example:

      - task: AzureWebAppDeployment@1
        displayName: 'Deploy to Azure Web App'
          azureSubscription: 'My Azure Subscription'
          action: 'Create Or Update Web App'
          webAppName: '$(outVar)'

    In this example, we’re using the output variable outVar as the value for the webAppName input.

  3. The final step is to link the normal job and the deployment job using the jobs keyword. This tells Azure pipeline that the deployment job depends on the normal job and should use the output variable. For example:

      - stage: Build
          - job: NormalJob
              - script: |
                  ##vso[task.setvariable variable=outVar;issecret=false]myOutputValue
              - task: AzureWebAppDeployment@1
                displayName: 'Deploy to Azure Web App'
                  azureSubscription: 'My Azure Subscription'
                  action: 'Create Or Update Web App'
                  webAppName: '$(outVar)'
      - stage: Deploy
          - deployment: DeploymentJob
            environment: 'My Environment'
                    - task: AzureWebAppDeployment@1
                      displayName: 'Deploy to Azure Web App'
                        azureSubscription: 'My Azure Subscription'
                        action: 'Create Or Update Web App'
                        webAppName: '$(outVar)'

    In this example, we’ve defined two stages: Build and Deploy. The Build stage runs the normal job, which sets the output variable. The Deploy stage runs the deployment job, which uses the output variable.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still facing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you:

  • Check the Variable Syntax

    Make sure you’re using the correct syntax for setting and using output variables. Double-check that you’re using the ##vso[task.setvariable] syntax to set the output variable and the $( outVar ) syntax to use it.

  • Verify the Job Linking

    Ensure that you’ve correctly linked the normal job and the deployment job using the jobs keyword.

  • Check the Deployment Job Configuration

    Verify that you’ve configured the deployment job correctly, including the correct environment and strategy.

  • Use the Azure Pipeline Debug Mode

    Enable the Azure pipeline debug mode to get more detailed logs and error messages. This can help you identify the issue and fix it.


And that’s it! With these steps, you should be able to use the output variable from a normal Azure pipeline job in a deployment job. Remember to define the output variable correctly, use it in the deployment job, and link the jobs correctly. If you’re still facing issues, try the troubleshooting tips to get back on track.

Using output variables in Azure pipeline deployment jobs can be a powerful way to automate your deployment process. With a little creativity and the right syntax, you can create complex deployment scenarios that are efficient and reliable.

Keyword Description
##vso[task.setvariable] Sets an output variable in Azure pipeline
$(outVar) Uses an output variable in Azure pipeline
jobs Links multiple jobs in Azure pipeline

By following these steps and using the right keywords, you can overcome the issue of output variables not expanding in Azure pipeline deployment jobs. Happy automating!


Here are some frequently asked questions about using output variables in Azure pipeline deployment jobs:

  • Q: Can I use multiple output variables in a deployment job?

    A: Yes, you can use multiple output variables in a deployment job. Simply define each output variable separately and use them as needed in your deployment job.

  • Q: Can I use output variables in a template?

    A: Yes, you can use output variables in a template. However, you need to ensure that the template is designed to work with output variables.

  • Q: What’s the difference between an output variable and an environment variable?

    A: An output variable is a variable that’s set by a task or job and can be used in subsequent tasks or jobs. An environment variable, on the other hand, is a variable that’s set at the environment level and can be used across multiple jobs and tasks.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to use output variables in Azure pipeline deployment jobs. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why your output variable from a normal Azure Pipeline Job isn’t expanding in the Deployment Job. We’ve got the answers you’ve been searching for!

Why isn’t my output variable expanding in the Deployment Job?

The reason is that the output variable is not being explicitly passed from the normal Azure Pipeline Job to the Deployment Job. You need to define an output variable in the normal job and then explicitly pass it as an input to the Deployment Job using the `dependencies` keyword.

How do I define an output variable in a normal Azure Pipeline Job?

Easy peasy! You define an output variable in a normal Azure Pipeline Job by using the `##vso` command in your script. For example, you can use `##vso[task.setvariable variable=myOutputVar;]myOutputValue` to set an output variable `myOutputVar` with value `myOutputValue`.

How do I pass the output variable as an input to the Deployment Job?

In your Deployment Job, you need to define an input variable that references the output variable from the normal job. You can do this by using the `dependencies` keyword in your YAML file. For example, you can use `dependencies.myJob.outputs[‘myOutputVar’]` to reference the `myOutputVar` output variable from the `myJob` job.

What if I’m using a template for my Deployment Job?

No problem! If you’re using a template for your Deployment Job, you can pass the output variable as a parameter to the template. You can then reference the parameter in your template using the `$(myOutputVar)` syntax.

Why is it important to explicitly pass the output variable to the Deployment Job?

Explicitly passing the output variable ensures that the Deployment Job has access to the correct value of the output variable. If you don’t pass the output variable, the Deployment Job may use a default or cached value, which can lead to unexpected results or errors!

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