Mastering Snapshot Testing of Views Containing Kingfisher Async Images on iOS
Image by Reya -

Mastering Snapshot Testing of Views Containing Kingfisher Async Images on iOS

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Are you tired of wrestling with snapshot testing on your iOS app, only to be foiled by those pesky Kingfisher async images? Fear not, dear developer! This article is here to guide you through the trenches of snapshot testing, helping you conquer the challenges that come with testing views containing async images.

What is Snapshot Testing?

Snapshot testing is a powerful tool that allows you to ensure your app’s UI remains consistent and predictable, even when faced with changing data or unpredictable network responses. It involves capturing a snapshot of your app’s UI and then comparing it to a previously recorded snapshot, verifying that the two match.

Why is Snapshot Testing Important?

Snapshot testing is essential for maintaining a high-quality user experience. By ensuring that your app’s UI remains consistent, you can:

  • Reduce bugs and inconsistencies
  • Improve app performance and stability
  • Enhance user trust and satisfaction

The Challenge of Kingfisher Async Images

Kingfisher is a popular library for loading and caching images in iOS apps. While it’s an excellent tool, it can pose a significant challenge when it comes to snapshot testing. That’s because Kingfisher uses asynchronous image loading, which can make it difficult to capture a reliable snapshot of your app’s UI.

The Problem of Async Image Loading

When you load an image using Kingfisher, the image is loaded asynchronously, which means that the image is loaded in the background while your app continues to run. This can lead to issues with snapshot testing, as the snapshot may be captured before the image has finished loading, resulting in an incomplete or inaccurate snapshot.

Solving the Async Image Conundrum

So, how do you overcome the challenges of snapshot testing with Kingfisher async images? Fear not, dear developer, for we have some solutions up our sleeve!

1. Using a Testing Framework

A testing framework like XCTest or Quick can help you write robust and reliable tests for your app’s UI. By using a testing framework, you can write tests that wait for the image to finish loading before capturing the snapshot.

import XCTest
import Kingfisher

class MyViewTests: XCTestCase {
  func testMyView() {
    let myView = MyView()
    // Load the image asynchronously
    myView.imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: "")!)
    // Wait for the image to finish loading
    waitForExpectations(timeout: 5) { _ in
      // Capture the snapshot
      let snapshot = myView.snapshot_View()
      // Verify the snapshot
      XCTAssertEqual(snapshot, "expected_snapshot")

2. Using a Mock Networking Layer

A mock networking layer can help you control the image loading process, allowing you to simulate different scenarios and test your app’s UI under various conditions.

import XCTest
import Kingfisher

class MyViewTests: XCTestCase {
  func testMyView() {
    let myView = MyView()
    // Create a mock networking layer
    let mockNetworkingLayer = MockNetworkingLayer()
    // Load the image using the mock networking layer
    myView.imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: "")!, placeholder: nil, options: [.transition(.fade(0.5))], progressBlock: nil) { _ in
      // Return a mock image
      return .success(UIImage(named: "mock_image")!)
    // Capture the snapshot
    let snapshot = myView.snapshot_View()
    // Verify the snapshot
    XCTAssertEqual(snapshot, "expected_snapshot")

3. Using a Custom Image Loading Mechanism

A custom image loading mechanism can give you more control over the image loading process, allowing you to synchronize the loading process and ensure that the snapshot is captured only when the image has finished loading.

import XCTest
import Kingfisher

class MyViewTests: XCTestCase {
  func testMyView() {
    let myView = MyView()
    // Create a custom image loading mechanism
    let imageLoader = CustomImageLoader()
    // Load the image using the custom image loader
    imageLoader.loadImage(with: URL(string: "")!) { image in
      // Set the image on the image view
      myView.imageView.image = image
      // Capture the snapshot
      let snapshot = myView.snapshot_View()
      // Verify the snapshot
      XCTAssertEqual(snapshot, "expected_snapshot")

Best Practices for Snapshot Testing with Kingfisher Async Images

When snapshot testing with Kingfisher async images, follow these best practices to ensure reliable and accurate tests:

  • Use a testing framework: A testing framework can help you write robust and reliable tests for your app’s UI.
  • Use a mock networking layer: A mock networking layer can help you control the image loading process and simulate different scenarios.
  • Use a custom image loading mechanism: A custom image loading mechanism can give you more control over the image loading process and ensure that the snapshot is captured only when the image has finished loading.
  • Wait for the image to finish loading: Use `waitForExpectations` or a similar mechanism to ensure that the snapshot is captured only when the image has finished loading.
  • Verify the snapshot: Verify the snapshot against an expected result to ensure that the UI is rendered correctly.


Snapshot testing with Kingfisher async images can be challenging, but by following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can overcome these challenges and ensure that your app’s UI remains consistent and predictable.

Remember, snapshot testing is an essential tool for maintaining a high-quality user experience. By mastering snapshot testing, you can ensure that your app meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.


For more information on snapshot testing and Kingfisher async images, check out the following resources:

Keyword Definition
Snapshot testing A method of testing an app’s UI by capturing a snapshot of the UI and comparing it to a previously recorded snapshot.
Kingfisher async images A library for loading and caching images in iOS apps, which uses asynchronous image loading.
Testing framework A framework for writing and running tests for an app’s UI, such as XCTest or Quick.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle snapshot testing with Kingfisher async images on iOS. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on snapshot testing of views containing Kingfisher async images on iOS!

Why does Kingfisher async image load fail in snapshot testing?

Because Kingfisher uses URLSession to load images, which is asynchronous and can’t be captured by the snapshot testing. To fix this, you can use a testing library like OHHTTPStubs or Nuke to stub the image loading request, ensuring a consistent image loading behavior during testing.

How can I wait for the Kingfisher image to load in my snapshot test?

You can use expectation in XCTest to wait for the image to load. Create an expectation, then fulfill it in the completion handler of the Kingfisher image loading method. This way, your test will wait until the image is fully loaded before taking the snapshot.

Can I use a placeholder image in my snapshot test?

Yes, you can! Use a placeholder image to simplify your snapshot testing. Mock the image loading by returning a static image in your test environment. This ensures consistent test results, independent of network conditions or image loading times.

Why does my Kingfisher-powered image view not show up in the snapshot?

Make sure you’re using the correct constraints and layout for your image view. Also, verify that the image view is not hidden or obstructed by other views. If you’re still having issues, try setting a breakpoint in your test and inspect the view hierarchy to identify the problem.

How can I debug issues with Kingfisher async image loading in snapshot testing?

Use the built-in Xcode debugging tools, like the View Debugger or the Debugger Navigator, to inspect the view hierarchy and identify issues. You can also print the image view’s frame, bounds, and constraints to the console to gain more insight into the layout. Additionally, enable Kingfisher’s debug logging to get more information about the image loading process.

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