Unraveling the Mystery: Business and Life Events in Salesforce Not Showing Component Even with Permissions
Image by Reya - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Business and Life Events in Salesforce Not Showing Component Even with Permissions

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If you’re struggling to get Business and Life Events to display in Salesforce despite having the necessary permissions, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has puzzled many an admin and developer. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the root causes and solutions to get those events showing up in no time.

The Lowdown on Business and Life Events in Salesforce

Before we dive into the troubleshooting, let’s quickly cover what Business and Life Events are and why they’re essential in Salesforce.

Business and Life Events are a type of custom component in Salesforce that allow users to capture and track key events, such as company milestones, product launches, or customer interactions. These events can be used to trigger automated workflows, update records, and even send notifications. With the ability to customize fields, related lists, and business processes, Business and Life Events offer immense flexibility and power in streamlining your Salesforce org.

Permissions, Permissions, Everywhere… But Still Not Showing?

You’ve checked, double-checked, and triple-checked that your users have the necessary permissions to view and interact with Business and Life Events. You’ve even thrown in some extra permissions for good measure. Yet, those pesky events refuse to appear. What’s going on?

The culprit might not be the permissions themselves, but rather how they’re applied. Here are some potential culprits:

  • Permission Sets vs. Profile Permissions: Ensure that the necessary permissions are applied to the user’s profile, not just a permission set. You can do this by going to Setup > Users > Profiles > [Profile Name] > Object Settings > Business and Life Events.
  • Custom Permission: If you’ve created a custom permission for Business and Life Events, verify that it’s assigned to the correct users or profiles. You can check this under Setup > Custom Permissions > [Custom Permission Name] > Assigned Users/Profiles.
  • hierarchy of Permissions: Be mindful of the permission hierarchy in Salesforce. If a user has a permission set that includes access to Business and Life Events, but their profile has a more restrictive setting, the profile permission takes precedence.

Other Potential Culprits: Component Visibility and Configuration

Permissions are just one piece of the puzzle. Let’s explore other possible reasons why Business and Life Events might not be showing up:

Component Visibility: Ensure that the Business and Life Events component is visible on the relevant page layouts. You can do this by going to Setup > Object Manager > [Object Name] > Page Layouts > [Page Layout Name] > Components. Look for the Business and Life Events component and make sure it’s not hidden or restricted to specific users.

Configuration Issues: Verify that the Business and Life Events component is properly configured. Check the following:

  • Event Type: Make sure the event type is correctly set up and published.
  • Fields and Related Lists: Ensure that all necessary fields and related lists are visible and accessible.
  • Business Process: Verify that the business process is correctly configured and triggered.

If you’re still stuck, try resetting the Business and Life Events component to its default settings and re-configuring from scratch.

Troubleshooting with Developer Tools

When all else fails, it’s time to break out the big guns: Salesforce developer tools! Use the following techniques to troubleshoot the issue:

Debug Logs: Enable debug logs to capture detailed information about the events and interactions happening in your Salesforce org. You can do this by going to Setup > Developer > Debug Logs > New Debug Log.

Apex Debugger: If you suspect an Apex-related issue, use the Apex Debugger to step through your code and identify the problem.

// Example Apex code for Business and Life Events
public class BusinessAndLifeEventsController {
    public void saveEvent(Event e) {
        // Code to save the event

Use the System.debug() method to log messages and inspect variables, like so:

System.debug('Event Save: ' + e.getName());

Component Inspector: Utilize the Component Inspector to examine the Business and Life Events component and its underlying configuration.

Additional Tips and Tricks

As you troubleshoot, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Check the Basics: Ensure that the user has the necessary licenses, permissions, and access to the relevant objects and records.
  • Test in Incognito Mode: Try accessing the Business and Life Events component in incognito mode to eliminate any browser cache or extension-related issues.
  • Search for Known Issues: Check the Salesforce Known Issues page and Release Notes for any reported problems or patches related to Business and Life Events.


Solving the mystery of missing Business and Life Events in Salesforce requires a step-by-step approach, attention to detail, and a willingness to dig deep. By checking permissions, component visibility, and configuration, and using developer tools to troubleshoot, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and getting those events displaying correctly.

Remember, if you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Salesforce community, support, or a trusted consultant for further assistance.

Common Causes Potential Solutions
Permission Issues Check profile permissions, custom permissions, and permission sets.
Component Visibility Verify component visibility on page layouts and check for hidden or restricted components.
Configuration Issues Check event type, fields, and related lists, and business process configuration.
Troubleshooting Use debug logs, Apex Debugger, and Component Inspector to identify and resolve issues.

With these troubleshooting tips and a dash of determination, you’ll be displaying Business and Life Events in Salesforce like a pro in no time!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most pressing questions about Business and Life events in Salesforce not showing component even with permissions!

Why aren’t Business and Life events showing up in my Salesforce component even though I have the right permissions?

It’s possible that the events are not enabled for your organization or the specific users. Make sure to check if the Business and Life events feature is enabled in your Salesforce setup, and if the users have the necessary permissions to view them.

I’ve confirmed that Business and Life events are enabled, but they still aren’t showing up. What’s going on?

It’s likely that the component is not properly configured or installed. Check if the Business and Life events component is installed and configured correctly in your Salesforce org, and if all the necessary dependencies are met.

I’ve checked the component and it’s all good, but I still can’t see the Business and Life events. What’s the deal?

It’s possible that there are data quality issues or inconsistencies that are preventing the events from showing up. Try running a data quality report to identify any potential issues, and make sure that all required data fields are populated correctly.

Are there any specific permissions or access levels required to view Business and Life events?

Yes, users need to have the correct permissions and access levels to view Business and Life events. Make sure that users have the necessary permissions, such as “View Business and Life Events” or “Edit Business and Life Events”, depending on the level of access required.

Is there a way to troubleshoot the issue further or get more detailed error messages?

Yes, you can try enabling debug logs or checking the Salesforce error logs to get more detailed information about the issue. This can help you identify the root cause of the problem and troubleshoot it more efficiently.